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EVOLVE - To ensure your organisations mentoring maintains momentum always stays relevant, Goal 17 offer an ongoing support package. We bring together your Mentors, Mentoring Champions and Programme Coordinators with regular support tailored to their needs and the aspirations of your organisation.






Once mentoring is successfully established it is important to maintain momentum and to keep the programme evolving. We deliver all the support your organisation needs to keep achieving commercial goals through mentoring. This is tailored to each individual client’s needs, depending on how far you are with your mentoring journey.

Typically support will include:

  • Ongoing telephone support
  • Mentor’s virtual community to maintain momentum and excellence
  • Regular meetings to continually develop evolve your programme
  • Additional training and support where needed
  • Ongoing collection and analysis of mentoring data

Contact us now for a free initial consultation to learn how Goal 17’s award winning training can help your organisation

Contact Goal 17